Sunday, July 17, 2011

Where does the money go?

Several people have asked where all the money goes and where are we in our fundraising efforts.  So, I sat down and broke it down.

Compassionate Hearts (Dossier Prep Agency)     $1800
Oklahoma Christian Services (Home Study)     $1500
Psychological Evaluations     $500
Medical Evaluations and tests     $417.20
Translation of dossier     $375
Chances 4 Children (Agency working in Haiti)     $2750
Background checks and fingerprints     $104
Authentication of Dossier documents     $910
Documents needed for dossier     $198.50
Homeland Security (USCIS I-600A)     $890
Postage     $537.31
Misc.     $64.42

Donation     $5551.05
Earned (pie sales, housekeeping)     $1000
Fundraisers (comedy show, dinner, garage sale)     $3159

Total expenses                    $-10,046.43
Total monies                       $   9,710.05

Difference                           $    -336.38

These are all the expenses we have accrued and monies we have collected up to date.  I think the thing you will see is that God has overwhelmingly provided just what we have needed when we needed it.  There are still expenses in this process and trust that God will cover those.  We are working on a couple of fundraisers to start in the next couple of weeks.  We hope that you will consider helping us through those efforts.  I am still making pies as well if anyone is interested.

Thank you to everyone who has given money or supported our fundraisers.  You have been monumental in helping us make it to this point.  Words will never be enough to express our gratitude.  Check back soon to hear more updates soon.

And just because a mom likes to show off her kids.  Here are a couple new pics of Jimmy

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Where are we now?

Just a little update on where we are in the process.  The lawyer continues to look over our dossier.  It has to be "authenticated" in Haiti as well.  They are also working on Jimmy's "dossier".  He has had his medical exam and psychological exam.  We are waiting for the psychologist to return from the states to sign it.  It isn't official until he signs it.  Then the social worker from Port au Prince will interview both Jimmy and Richard.  Other than those few things, we are still in a holding pattern.  Waiting, praying, waiting, and praying some more.  We believe God can move mountains and we believe he can move our adoption through Haiti.