Sunday, January 1, 2012

Well, do you know WHEN he will get here?

This is the question I hear just about everyday from one well-meaning person or another.  I appreciate that people care and are thinking of us, but that question is getting harder and harder to answer without tears.  I looked it up today and it has been 10 months and 22 days since we sent off our application.  That is 325 days of waiting, praying, waiting, and praying some more.  Almost 47 weeks of skyping with Jimmy and assuring him that we are doing everything we can and that God's timing is perfect.  7800 hours of wondering where our dossier is and who has it in there hands.  468,000 minutes of dreaming about what it will be like to have him here with us and being a family together in one place. 
I can remember being pregnant with Rylan and Kyndal and thinking we had waited an eternity to hold their precious little hands in ours.  I can now tell you that was a piece of cake compared to this.  We knew a time that they would be here.  Not an exact but for sure a deadline that they would have to make their appearance before this date.  With the adoption, the due date or deadline for Jimmy is non-existent.  We have no idea when we will have him home, able to tuck him into his bed under our roof. 
Please pray strongly that we hear something soon.  Pray God will be our strength and comfort.  This family is growing weary and Satan works best when our hearts grow weary.  Thank you.
Also, we are still working on the adoption funds needed.  We have 80 quilt blocks sold.  You can buy #81.  There are only 108 blocks in the quilt.  When they are all sold, we will draw a winner of the quilt.  You can also buy a tee shirt from WildOlive tees. That fundraiser ends January 6.  The company extended our last deadline.  Please go to their website and go to the fundraising tees.  Put our code SCHLUP0910 into the coupon code.  We appreciate your support.

** We have friends who are in the Ukraine right now preparing for their adoption court date.  Their boys, Ruslan and Andrey will be home by the end of the month. Please pray for the Hinson's that everything continues to go well, and everyone comes home safely and quickly.

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