Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hurricanes, Interviews, and Stress

I should have posted about Hurricane/Tropical Storm Isaac before now, but better late than never.  Here is a map of Haiti.
As you can see Cap Haitien, where Jimmy lives, is on the northern coast of Haiti.  Isaac hit the southwestern portion.  So, he and the rest of the kids at his orphanage are fine.  They were without internet for a few days but faired very well.  Please continue to pray for the people of Haiti.  There were lives lost and destruction. 

Despite the storm and all the worries it brought, Jimmy Rishard and Altagrace were able to make their trip to Port au Prince yesterday.  Their travels went well from the reports.  Jimmy facebooked us a brief message.  I asked if they asked a lot of questions.  He answered "they asked everything."  I am sure it was nerve racking and stressful.  They are back in Cap Haitien today and we hope to be able to skype soon. 
Altagrace reported that USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) would like to interview Jimmy's aunt.  I believe it is his mother's sister.  From what I understand, she lives about two hours from Cap.  That could be 15 miles but in Haiti that can take two hours.  Not sure her exact location.  Anyway, they would like to interview her.  It is standard procedure to interview the birth parents and sometimes living relatives.  We were really hoping this would be the only interview and not expecting them to request this one.  We have not been able to see the paperwork USCIS gave to Jimmy.  Tabitha is working on that for us and we really appreciate her being able to help us.  We are uncertain when the interview will take place.  To be perfectly honest, this turn has sent me for a loop.  I was so optimistic about him coming home soon and now we have another task to accomplish on the list.  I have no idea how we will contact his aunt to go to PaP.  She could decide not to go and I have no control over that.  Not to mention another expense added to our total.  It is all too much to wrap my mind around.
Did I also mention that Chance for Children informed us that the courts in Cap wanted Jimmy's birth certificate verified in his hometown?  That was done, but it means our file has not yet entered MOI (Ministry of the Interior).  MOI is taking several weeks if not months to complete the dossier approvals, and our dossier hasn't even gone in yet.. 
Tonight I am feeling the weight of this process and how draining it can be.  I miss Jimmy and I want him HOME!  Please pray I can lay all of this at HIS feet and stop trying to help Him.  You know when you have a little one trying to "help" you with something and the task ends up being harder to accomplish because of his/her "help".  I have a feeling with all my "helping" ie. worrying and stressing; I am really just getting in His way.  I need prayers to step aside and let Him do the job of bringing Jimmy home so that He will get all the glory He deserves.  Thank you!

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