Thursday, November 29, 2012

Done. All good. Headed to the airport.

Jimmy and his Aunt Macienne were finally able to get into the embassy and be interviewed. Rob said they had some questions; but after speaking with Macienne, they were satisfied. She signed the relinquishment or whatever papers they needed. USCIS told Rob to expect an email requesting our dossier from our lawyer.  Then, they were done.

Rob's time with Jimmy was a blessing and I'm so glad they had an extra day. Though it was a bit awkward for him being with his dad and his biological aunt, they relaxed last night and were able to talk. I am so thankful Rob was there and know he was a tremendous help and support to the process and Jimmy.

Today was a big success. We are happy this step is completed.

Many are asking now what? One word, WAIT. Robert, our lawyer, said we need another signature on our dossier which should take about a week then we will be out of MOI. He gave us a timeline, but I don't want to share it because timelines are worth about as much the paper I would write them on. We will just trust that God's timeline is perfect and worthy. Here are the final steps.

-Dossier is signed out of MOI.
-Files sent to passport office for printing.
-Passport is issued/reviewed for accuracy sent to USCIS.
-At the same time that the passport app is in the works, the USCIS process must be completed.
-Visa app is filed and an appointment to receive the visa in Haiti is scheduled.
-We travel to Haiti for visa appointment and BRING JIMMY HOME!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


USCIS turned them away this morning.  The interviewers were in meetings.  Whatever that means.  They are going to go back first thing in the morning and try again.  When Rob visited with the lawyer, he was a little confused and did not have the right documents anyway.  Rob explained what we needed from him and set him on the right track.  Now, the lawyer is busy gathering the correct documents for tomorrow.  I am going to declare today a success.  If we had gotten in, we could have been sent away because we didn't have the documents they wanted and not gotten back in.  God knows what he is doing and I'm trusting in him.  Keep those prayers going up. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Take two & three, maybe

Rob left for Haiti early this morning.  His travels were uneventful and made it into Port au Prince around 4:30 Haiti time.  Jimmy and his Aunt Macienne made it there around 3:00.  They were picked up by the Heartline guesthouse, which I highly recommend if you need a place to stay while in PaP.  Upon arrival, Rob called Robert, Chances for Children's lawyer.  Robert informed him that Kelitta, the C4C creche director, had received a call from USCIS that the appointment had been changed to December 6.  There are a few things weird about this.  Number 1:  We have not received any communication about such changes.  Number 2:  If you remember, they did not want C4C to be representing Jimmy and/or us in the adoption.  Number 3:  Why would they call at all?  USCIS isn't known for showing much consideration.  Rob got a little excited about it all; but after some phone calls, texts, and emails, everyone has calmed down.  They will go ahead and go to the embassy and see what happens.  If they inform them of a change, they are going to explain the logistics of traveling to PaP and expense of making the trip.  We hope it doesn't come to that.  Their appointment is at 10:00 am EST.  That is 9:00 am in Oklahoma.  I ask that all of you pray for them during that time.  However, I would like someone praying continuously for them from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm CST.  I still have open spots for 10:30, 11:00, 11:30, and 12:30.  Please pray for peace and patience for everyone.  Pray for wisdom that Rob will know when to push and when to wait.  Pray for those interviewing them.  That they will feel the love we have for Jimmy and understand the need for him to come home quickly.  I will also ask that you pray boldly for a miracle.  That Jimmy will come home with Rob.  I had someone ask if that was possible.  I said all things are possible with God.  I believe in Him and I know that "in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28.  He has gone before us and He is in control of tomorrow and our adoption.  I have confidence that no matter what happens God will be there in the middle of it all and it will work for His glory and His purpose.  That gives me peace.  I will update tomorrow when all is said and done.  Thank you for your prayers. 

Anita  8:00-8:30
Marylyn  8:30-9:00
Marvin   8:30-9:00
Ginger   9:00-9:30
Mika   9:30-10:00
Deanna   10:00-10:30
Jami   12:00-12:30
Charla  1:00-1:30
Anita   1:30-2:00