Thursday, November 29, 2012

Done. All good. Headed to the airport.

Jimmy and his Aunt Macienne were finally able to get into the embassy and be interviewed. Rob said they had some questions; but after speaking with Macienne, they were satisfied. She signed the relinquishment or whatever papers they needed. USCIS told Rob to expect an email requesting our dossier from our lawyer.  Then, they were done.

Rob's time with Jimmy was a blessing and I'm so glad they had an extra day. Though it was a bit awkward for him being with his dad and his biological aunt, they relaxed last night and were able to talk. I am so thankful Rob was there and know he was a tremendous help and support to the process and Jimmy.

Today was a big success. We are happy this step is completed.

Many are asking now what? One word, WAIT. Robert, our lawyer, said we need another signature on our dossier which should take about a week then we will be out of MOI. He gave us a timeline, but I don't want to share it because timelines are worth about as much the paper I would write them on. We will just trust that God's timeline is perfect and worthy. Here are the final steps.

-Dossier is signed out of MOI.
-Files sent to passport office for printing.
-Passport is issued/reviewed for accuracy sent to USCIS.
-At the same time that the passport app is in the works, the USCIS process must be completed.
-Visa app is filed and an appointment to receive the visa in Haiti is scheduled.
-We travel to Haiti for visa appointment and BRING JIMMY HOME!

1 comment:

  1. yay!!!! Praising God for one more step and knowing He will bring Jimmy home before Christmas!
