Saturday, April 13, 2013


We received an email from USCIS yesterday.  To sum it up, they will accept the affidavits from Jimmy and his aunt as secondary evidence that his birthmother is deceased but want us to have a death certificate made and registered.  His mother never had a death certificate.  Because it served no purpose to her family, there was never one made.  USCIS however finds it very important.  So basically, they accept that his birthmother is dead, but they want a death certificate saying so.  UGH!  I am beyond frustrated and think it is ridiculous that they are making us do this.  It serves no purpose and adds more wait time. On Monday, our lawyer will request that one be made.  He says it is "no problem" but will take some time.  There is that word again TIME.  Time just spent waiting.  Waiting since we met Jimmy: 918 days (2 years, 6 months, 5 days).  Waiting since we applied for his adoption: 794 (2 years, 2 months, 4 days).  Time Jimmy has spent in the orphanage waiting to be part of a family: 3050 days (8 years, 4 months, 7 days).  That is a lot of waiting and I AM SICK OF WAITING!  I know it doesn't do any good to be angry, but I am today.  I am angry my son is waiting and praying to come home; and someone in an office, who gets to go home to his/her family every night, thinks it is essential that there is a death certificate in the file even after accepting secondary proof of death.  Again, UGH!

I will post again when we have something new to tell.,

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