Friday, March 30, 2012

Giving you all an update today or any day recently is kind of difficult since we have no update.  We have gotten no word from Haiti.  Our dossier has been in IBESR for six months and three weeks.  Jimmy's homecoming seems to be moving further away rather than closer.  We are still skyping weekly with him and enjoy seeing his face and hearing about his week. We can tell that his optimism is waining and he doesn't really understand the reason for it taking so long.  Trying to explain the delay to a teenage boy waiting to come home when you don't even understand it yourself is not the easiest of tasks.

Please pray for God to move our family closer to being united under the same roof.  We were sitting at the table the other day talking.  We were discussing some family that we don't see very often.  Kyndal said "they are like Jimmy.  They are family but we don't really know them."  I am so eager for my children to know each other.  I look forward to the day when they will play, bicker, and just BE together. 

We are in the process of planning a couple of fundraiser events.  Recently we were blessed to receive a large donation.  We are so deeply touched by the generosity.  We are getting so much closer to our goal.  Please stay posted for more information soon.

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