Monday, July 23, 2012

Blog Post from Port au Prince

I arrived at the DFW airport at 6:30 am yesterday.  My flight left on time at 7:35.  Cindy's flight from DFW was scheduled to leave at 8:40. What?!?  She may not make it to Florida in time to catch our flight to Haiti.  What?!?  I did not sign up to go on this trip alone!  I was a little panicky, but headed off the plane.  When I got into the bathroom, it hit me.  I was going to have to go to Haiti alone and to my appointment alone.  I was tired from my weekend at Advocare Success School, I missed my kids and now I wasn't going to have Cindy with me.  So, what did I do?  I the bathroom stall, I cried.  Rob called after I texted the news.  I cried some more.  He said encouraging things and reassured me.  I gathered myself together and walked to my gate.  Our friend, Dana, texted me and encouraged me with these words, "remember God has already prepared a way for you".  I cried again but knew I could do this.  I sat and waited.  As the time ticked by, I was reassured by the feeling of peace that God gave me.  They called those who had no seat number to come to the desk.  I overheard the lady at the counter tell another that the plane was still not here and would in all likelihood be late. LATE?  Yay!  God was working it out.  Cindy's flight was delayed but so was our plane to Haiti.  At that moment, I knew Dana was right, I was just along for the right.  My way was already paved by my Father who loves me and is with me.  He is in charge of planes, travel arrangements, and appointments. 

Cindy made it to the gate about 10 minutes before we boarded.  We arrived in Haiti at 6:25, almost 3 hours late for our schedule, but right on time for the schedule God had arranged.  We made it to Noah and Nathan, the representatives from Chances for Children who had been waiting a very long time for us to arrive.  We drove to Fermathe to the guesthouse where we are staying.  The creche manager, Kelitta, greeted us and prepared dinner.  It was very good.  After dinner, we sat down and opened our files that we brought with all our paperwork.  We went over our checklists and double checked everything.  We headed to bed around eleven. 

We woke up at six, dressed, ate a yummy breakfast, and headed to our 9:00 appointment at the embassy.  We arrived fifteen minutes late which worried Cindy and me.  Turned out not to be a concern.  We waited outside for the person who lets adoption and visa appointments into the embassy.  While we waited, Kelitta translated all the amusing conversations around us.  We went into the embassy and waited and waited.  We were finally called to the counter.  Gave them our paperwork, answered a couple of questions and returned to our seats.  We again listened to Kelitta translate the creole around us.  We were fascinated by the interview of a married couple trying to get the wife a visa.  Long story short, you will be denied a visa if you tell lies to the interviewer when interviewed separately and your stories do not match up.  Anyway, we were called up again, answered a few questions and returned to our seats. We again waited and watched as adopting parents were called up.  We watched the workers gather the trash and sweep the floors.  When we were the only ones in the room, we were called up to the counter to have our interview.  Nothing too painful.  In the end, we were given a checklist of things they need and a date for Jimmy and a rep from the orphanage to come in and be interviewed.  We left about 3:00 pm. 

We stopped by the store to buy a treat for the children at the Chance for Children creche and headed toward Kenscoff.  We had a minor hiccup in the form of a flight tire which we were able to get changed quickly.  We got to the creche just in time for naps.  :(  We were given a quick tour and headed back to the guesthouse.  We took a little rest and are now enjoying a little time online. 

Thank you for your prayers.  We will fly to Cap Haitien tomorrow to see the boys.  Can't wait.  Hoping to go to court on Wednesday.  It has been a good day.  I am looking forward to the rest.

1 comment:

  1. Thankful for this good news. God is good--all the time.
