We spoke with Jimmy on skype last night. We figured out how to work the video on our iPhone so he could see us this time and we were able to show him our house. He was happy to see everything. The most exciting part of the call was him speaking to us in ENGLISH. It was it feels so good to hear his voice in words I can understand. It wasn't a lot but it was something. I am not sure who was smiling bigger Jimmy or Kyndal. She kept saying "he is talking in English words". He is working very hard to learn and we are very proud of him. Please pray for his progress.
We also learned this week that Jimmy raises chickens. He has nine of them that he keeps at the orphanage. He sold one to Altograss, the Haitian administrator at the orphanage. We have a farming, entrepreneur on our hands.
In other news, I attended an adoption advocacy meeting last night. It is called It's A Child's Life. www.its-a-Childs-life.blogspot.com It is for those adopting or fostering, wanting to adopt or foster, and for those just wanting to support them. Several families shared their stories. It is so wonderful to be around people who affirm our decision to adopt. I know God put these people into our lives to help us on our journey.
I love that picture of your 3 on here! he looks just as sweet as can be and I am so excited for you guys! I am so glad we have met and can't wait to get this triple family fundraiser in motion and help bring that sweet boy home! I'm so thankful you were there and shared last night and am so glad to know we are not alone in our hearts for adopting children!