Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Celebration

Well, not much sleep last night for me.  Between the adrenaline and a sick Kyndal, I feel like I never went to sleep.  But that is okay because we got an email from Jimmy this morning that will get me through the day.

Hello. How are you? I pray for you. I pray to God for me to come to you soon. I am happy to dream because I hope I can see Duchaine and Ryan. Thank you a lot for this hope. I want the long time to go quickly. I thank God for this. It is a celebration.
Love, Jimmy


  1. My husband, Lynn, and I adopted Samuel from CHCH in April 2009. The process took 20 months, with many highs and lows. We were told that 20 months was almost record time for a Haitian adoption to be completed! Our 26 year old son, Cole, and his wife, Audra, have been one of Jimmy's sponsors for the past few years. I can't wait to tell them to good news. I will definitely be following your process on your blog. In the meantime, I know Hunter and Jillian will be giving him lots of love!
    Dianne Griffith
    Nashville, TN

  2. Thanks Dianne! How old was Samuel when you adopted him? Did he have living birth parents?

  3. Samuel's Haitian court-given birthday is March 30, 2002. As Samuel will tell you, no one knows how old he is and what his birthday is, except for God. When we first started the adoption process, we thought he was probably older, but when we brought him home, he was 7 according to our paperwork. When I read your post from 2/14/11, it reminded me so much of our journey. Ron and Dianna would send me pictures, letters, etc. all the time. I know we kept Dianna occupied. After they left, Bob was very helpful in helping us get his paperwork finished. Samuel was declared abandoned since no one had ever inquired of him at CHCH after Tabitha found him wandering the street (beaten,naked,drinking from raw sewerage) in May 2006. A lady came to the orphanage about 2 weeks before Samuel was issued a visa, claiming to be his mother, but Bob and the others said that Samuel did not pay her any attention and she did not attempt to stay. So, to answer your question, we did not have to deal with anything concerning living birth parents? Who in Haiti is going to handle your adoption once it makes it to that point. We can highly recommend Dr. Jacob Bernard of New Life Link. He is located in Port-au-Prince. Just be prepared for many highs and lows in the process. Just when we would think things were speeding along - another hurdle would come, but we knew that God was in control. Jimmy is such a great kid. He went shopping with us when we were there in July. How old is Jimmy now? Does he have living birth parents? My husband said he thought Jimmy had been living at CHCH for a long time. God bless your family in this process. You will never regret the work (and there is lots of it) required. Our goal was to accomplish at least one thing every day.
