Thursday, February 17, 2011

We've got mail!

I write Jimmy an email every day.  Hunter and Jillian are kind enough to make sure he gets them.  I basically tell him about our day and what is going on in our house.  Today I asked a few questions.  When I opened up my inbox this afternoon, I was thrilled to see he had written back today.  It is so good to hear his heart.  Even if it was just his favorite foods or favorite colors, it is from him.  I am getting to know my son.  As Rylan and Kyndal grew, I watch them develop their likes/dislikes, humor, etc.  With Jimmy, I am learning it all so much differently.  I am so anxious to know everything, but I want him to feel comfortable.  The language barrier is whole different obstacle, but I know he is working really hard.  I pray every day to know more about him and for him to get to know more about us.  Please pray we can continue to move forward. 

Yesterday, Kyndal and Rylan got up in front of their classes and talked about their new brother.  They both took his picture and shared it with their friends.  Kyndal's teacher said Kyndal told the kids that we were adopting Jimmy.  When Mrs. Brady asked her what that meant, Kyndal answered "it means they are going to let him live with us forever."  Exactly baby girl.  I told Jimmy that they were excited to tell their friends about their brother.  He ended his letter with "I love you and my brother and my sister too."  Warms my heart so much. 

Please dear God let this happen as quickly as possible so our family can be united.  Amen.


  1. Love to get a peek inside your heart through this process. Precious times. Can't wait to see you all together at last.

  2. What an exciting adventure! Congratulations and I'm praying all goes smoothly for you. Have you looked into an adoption grant through Shaohannah's Hope? It's an organization that was formed by Stephen Curtis Chapman and his wife and they have grants available for both domestic and foreign adoptions. (

  3. I love getting to peek into the world of Jimmy his new family. There are five people in this world that are very, very blessed. Blessings to you all and may he come home very soon.
