Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Our Son, Jimmy

Rob and I have discussed adoption throughout our marriage; however, it became a real calling for us this past summer.  When Rob and I traveled to Haiti, we knew that we would become parents to one of the amazing children at the orphanage.  With much thought and prayer, Rob and I agreed Jimmy was the child that God had selected for us. 

We met Jimmy at the Cap Haitien Children's Home.  The first time I saw his warm smile, he captured my heart.  We played Jinga together our first night there.  He was such a sweet boy.  Jimmy is thirteen and loves soccer.  We know he is going to be a perfect fit into our family.
We request your prayers as we go through the adoption process.  Haiti is not an easy country to adopt from and the expense of adoption can be overwhelming.  Please pray for Jimmy as he travels to Port au Prince to begin his part of this process.  Please pray for our children as we prepare them to welcome an older brother.  Please pray for Rob and me as we prepare to parent a teenager.  We know God is guiding us and that He will bless the journey we have embarked upon. 

I will continue to update the blog as things progress.


  1. Well, you know how the Hinsons feel about this. Thankful for your precious hearts. I know God will put it all together beautifully the way that only He can. Blessings on you all throughout the process.

  2. Hunter and I feel both honored and blessed to be apart of this adoption process. Every kid deserves a family, and I am so excited and thankful that Jimmy gets to be a part of yours!

  3. I am so excited for you and for Jimmy. I know the Lord is guiding you and He will bless you as you continue to show His love through your life. I am so proud of you!

  4. WOW!!! This is so amazing! I will be keeping your family in my prayers! Jimmy is a lucky kid to have you as his parents!!
